»See Contemporary Artists that represent the
whole Contemporary Era.«

Institute Contemporary celebrates the vibrant essence of emerging artists with Afro-European heritage. Our platform bridges the gaps between different cultures, fostering a unique blend of creativity and innovation in today's fast-paced, interconnected world.

Art should mirror the complexities and diversity of modern society - Institute Contemporary serves as a new platform for that. Our non-profit network serves as a professional hub for Afro-European artists, providing a space for their voices to be heard and their visions to be shared with the world.

Join us in embracing the fusion of cultures through art at Institute Contemporary - For Afro-European Art Affairs.

Meet Us at
Les Rencontres d'Arles 2024!

Meet our Artists Delali Ayivi, Monika Ribeiro, Ange-Frédéric Koffi, MAryam Touzani and Verdiana Albano in the first exhibition On the Vastness of our Identities by Institute Contemporary showcasing different Afro-European Perspectives.

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